Restricted Substances Policy

 – Our company KARACA LEATHER; It is committed to establishing long-term relationships based on trust with all its stakeholders, and production based on sustainable and continuous improvement. Therefore KARACA LEATHER; the materials used in the production of our product line, the selection of suppliers and the final product of legislation, our customers and our company.

 – KARACA LEATHER is committed to being a competent, reliable company that can provide leather free of restricted substances or within the allowed limits to suit customer requirements. It tries to partner with leather suppliers that comply with our policy.

 – Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) are obtained and reviewed from our Chemical Suppliers for the safe use of their products. Chemicals that may contain one or more restricted substances or that are likely to react or react to one or more of the restricted substances listed in the table; Documentation confirming the absence or percentage of content of the restricted substance is provided.

 –  REACH and EEHC declarations are provided for product lines from all Chemical suppliers. Upon request, these statements are sent to all our customers via e-mail.

 – KARACA LEATHER tests all major product lines every 6 months to verify all internal and customer requirements. Leather tests are carried out only in laboratories accredited with ISO 17025 Certificate. The limited substance RSL specification is reviewed every 6 months.

 – KARACA LEATHER is committed to being a competent, reliable company that can provide leather free of restricted substances or within the allowed limits to suit customer requirements. It tries to partner with leather suppliers that comply with our policy.

 – If a restricted substance is seen in an inappropriate amount; Risk analysis will be made, necessary changes will be made in the prescription and the tests will be repeated before the product is sent to the customers.

 – Our policy is to inform all raw material suppliers and customers by e-mail, phone, etc. It is transmitted through communication channels. 3. It is published on the website for access of the parties. Our policy is reviewed every six months and

Sl. No. Chemical Properties KARACA LEATHER Norms (ppm)
1 Chrome VI <3
2 Formaldehyde 20
3 Lead (Extractable and/or total) 90
4 Mercury 0.02
5 Cadmium (Total) 100
6 Heavy metals See A
a Barium 1
b Antimony 30
c Selenium
d Arsenic (Total) 100
7 APEO (Alkyl phenol ethoxylate)/td> <100
8 Dimethylfumarate <0.1
9 Chlorinated fungicides (PCP-5 ppm, TeCp-0.5 ppm, TCP-0.5 ppm) 1 to 2
10 Azo-amines <20 Max limit of detection